Ever Think about Becoming a Board of Trustees Member?
The YMCA of Youngstown is governed by a Board of Trustees that is charged with the responsibility to further the mission of the YMCA through effective planning, ensuring adequate financial resources, protecting assets and providing financial oversight, supporting the chief executive officer, etc. The Board Development Committee of the YMCA is responsible for enhancing the Board’s performance.
Each year, this Committee convenes to review Board composition, Board openings as well as to conduct a Board evaluation process. This Committee is always seeking qualified prospective Board members from within our own membership. If you know of a strong candidate, please ask them to contact Teri Moser in the Metro Office at 330-742-4781 or tmoser@youngstownymca.org for a YMCA Governing Board Information Packet/Questionnaire. Each questionnaire includes the Board of Trustee’s expectations that clearly define the duties of a Trustee.
The Board Development Committee maintains an active list of prospective trustees. As openings occur, the Committee will evaluate the needs of our Board and proceed with the process of vetting all prospective trustees before their nomination.