YMCA of Youngstown




Neptune Swim Team

The Youngstown YMCA Neptune Swim Team is a competitive swim team offering high quality professional coaching and technique instruction. The goal of our team is to provide every swimmer an opportunity to improve swimming skills and achieve success at his or her level of ability. All of our coaches have access to the most comprehensive training and certification program for youth coaches of any sport in the United States. They provide assurances that the time children spend in swimming will be quality time.

The Neptune season typically runs from September through February, although swimmers who qualify for championship meets will continue to practice in March. Practices are held at the Central YMCA, with varying practice times for each age/ability level. There are six dual meets scheduled throughout the season, which are held on Saturdays between October and January, and the team competes against other YMCA swim teams. A Divisional Championship meet takes place in early February for all team members, and those who qualify for the League Championship meet will compete in early March.

Swimmers also have the opportunity to compete in YMCA invitational meets, as well as USA Swimming meets during the season. Participation in these meets is optional and requires additional meet entry fees.

The Y Neptunes compete in the North East Ohio YMCA Swim League, and are also affiliated with USA Swimming. Click HERE for the link to the North East Ohio YMCA Swim League.

Interested in joining the Y Neptune Swim Team? Consider registering for the Spring and Summer conditioning programs led by the Y Neptune coaching staff! Click HERE to learn more and register. 

Important Dates:

8/12 – Registration for 2024-25 season begins
9/4 – Coach Meet & Greet, 6pm
9/9 – Practices and FREE 2-week trial begins
9/30 – Early bird registration ends

How to Register
Sign up for YMCA membership in person at the Y or online using this link: Central Memberships – YMCA of Youngstown 
All Neptune Swim Team participants must have a current YMCA Membership.
Not ready to commit just yet? You can sign up for the FREE 2-week trial period using this link (no membership required): Neptune Swim Team – YMCA of Youngstown 
Register and pay team fees in person at the Y or online using this link. $325 for 1st swimmer and each additional swimmer will be $300: Neptune Swim Team – YMCA of Youngstown
To register for the High School programs, CLICK HERE for more information.
Step 3:
Register swimmer on the Y Neptunes Team Unify site and set up your account, which includes entering your credit or debit card information for meet entry fees, team apparel, and any other costs incurred during the season. There will be a $12.50 Neptune Fee required when you sign up on Team Unify to verify credit or debit card information. 100% of this fee goes to benefit the Y Neptune swimmers through purchases of equipment, team shirts, banquet costs, team gift and much more. Please click “Add to Cart” on the bottom of the page to login or set up new account.


Lou Grieco
Central YMCA Aquatic Director

How to Register for the Y Neptunes

1. Sign Up for a YMCA Membership

This can be done online or in person. Returning swimmers must contact the Y to reactivate membership (cannot be done online).


Register and pay team fees in person at the Y or online. $325 for the first swimmer. $300 for each additional swimmer.


This includes entering your credit or debit card information for meet entry fees, team apparel, and any other costs incurred during the season. There will be a $1 deposit required when you sign up on Team Unify to verify credit or debit card information.