Keeping You Informed
In an ideal world, nothing would break, nothing would need repaired, and everything would look and behave like the day it was installed. But none of us live there. Although we do our best to keep things up and running, there are things just out of our control; and when they are out of our control, it’s hard to communicate all the details of what’s being done, how long until it’s fixed.
This page is a work in progress, but it’s an effort to get real answers to your facility related questions. Expect to find answers on facility updates, upgrades, and repairs … why your favorite treadmill is taking so long to fix, or why the pool seems cold today. You’ll have access to pictures and video of the progress and challenges when available and have the opportunity to let us know what areas need attention and make suggestions for improvement. Updates will be regular and the history of the progress maintained. Projects will fall away after they’ve been resolved. Contact Tom Grantonic, VP Facility Operations with specific questions not addressed here.
Central YMCA
Building Facade | Update 8-8-24
The project
The brick bump out on the north and west sides of the facility had a design flaw that contributed to rusting the steel support beams to the point where the brick was beginning to bow out.
What’s being done?
Brick by brick the bump out was removed, HVAC re-routed, structural steel repaired and a water barrier put in place to get us through to when the new steel and brick are scheduled to arrive. The project is scheduled for completion by this fall.
Materials have arrived. Waiting for the architecture drawings needed to complete the project.
Back Elevator | Update 8-8-24
The project
The back elevator has been in and out of service for a long time. It randomly parks itself not level to the floor. It can be off as much as two feet. If you’re not paying attention when getting on the elevator, that first step can be a doozy. After months of trying to get Otis Elevator to evaluate what the problem was, it’s been determined that the travel cords need replacement. It’s a $13,500 project. We’re at their mercy since Otis has our maintenance agreement.
What’s being done?
The travel cords have recently been replaced after a two month wait. However, they have still not resolved the problem. A new ticket has been recorded with Otis to dig more deeply into the problem.
Davis Family YMCA
Lap Pool Clarity | Update 8-8-24
The project
Water clarity in the lap pool has been an ongoing issue for literally 20 years. Pool experts have been consulted, water tested, filtration material upgraded, valves adjusted, water source changed and more. Chemically, the water is perfectly balanced and safe to swim. It’s just doesn’t have the pristine look that it should have. We’ve reached out to a pool industry expert who concurs that by design, the filter size is too small for the number of gallons we’re trying to filter.
What’s being done?
We’ve contracted with a company who is an expert in water quality for pools and other commercial applications. We’ve installed a device at a cost of about $10,000 that penetrates the water going to the filter with a radio frequency that causes particulates to clump together so that the filter can more easily trap them. Results in commercial pools like ours have been extremely positive. We’re testing turbidity over the next 30 days for so we can make an objective evaluation of the device.
A luck would have it, it appears we ended up with a malfunctioning device. It’s not doing what it’s supposed to be doing because it’s not functioning correctly. Reps from Flotech will arrive early next week to figure out what’s going on and potentially replace the device if necessary.
Fitness Center Upgrades | Update 8-8-24
There will be some major updates happening on the fitness floor. Painting of the weight room and Fitness Center walls will be taking place over the next couple of weeks. There will be interruptions during this time. We’ll try and minimize the impact to your workout routines, buy it will be impossible to not affect someone. Please make use of the facilities at our Central Location in the meantime.
When we’re done, not only will there be a fresh new look on the second floor, but we’ll be adding $120,000 of new equipment to replace aging machines and enhance options in both the weight and cardio rooms.
Indoor and Outdoor Pool Upgrades | Update 8-8-24
The Indoor Lariccia Aquatic Center will be shut down for annual cleaning and repair beginning the week of Aug 18th through Labor Day. During the time, a new play structure will be reinstalled in the Rec Pool with all the original features working as they did when it was brand new! The structure comes at a cost of $145,000.
In mid-September, the indoor pools will be closed again to do some work on the pool floor under the play structure and the big slide. We will be laying down the same epoxy resin coating (Interglass) as the rest of the pool floor. The existing surface had a life expectancy of about 5 years. The new surface had a life expectancy of about 5 years. The new surface is warranted for 25 years. The price of the entire scope of pool project is over $350,000.
During the same time frame, the outdoor pools will be the recipient of this same Interglass surface adding safety, comfort and aesthetics for the next outdoor pool season. This project comes at a cost of over $350,000.